Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Boom Goes The Dynamite

As luck would have it, I did get the mailing finished. Before lunch even! The book is starting to take some interesting twists. Helen has befriended Sophie- under the pseudonym of Eleanor. So Helen is making up all these lies about what she (Eleanor) does for a living ect. So she says she does P.R. ... freelance of course. After all, it is what she got her degree in.

Sophie explains she's got a friend who is opening a new restaurant and could use some P.R. help. She hands Helen (Eleanor) his card and says he will call her soon.

Perfect timing! Helen just gave her notice at Global, since word got out about her and one of the directors (Matthew). This job with Sonny should give her the experience she needs to go out and get an actual P.R. job! Just one problem, "Eleanor" will be getting all the experience. Helen decides to take the job anyway and figure the rest out later.

Meanwhile, Helen & Sonny discuss the restaurants opening over dinner. Sparks fly, flirting happens, and a kiss takes place.

A few days later, Helen decides to call Sonny, strictly business of course. She pulls his card out of her purse, only to see Sonny's real name staring up at her. Leo Shallcross. Matthew's son.

AAAAAaaaaaannnnnnndddd Boom goes the dynamite. There's your twist.

If I may just add some of my own thoughts here.... well it's my blog, so ya I will. At dinner "sonny" asks "Eleanor" if she has a pseudonym. Out of the blue. I mean maybe I missed something.... but what are the odds. And of course she doesn't fess up. But have you ever been on a date and someone asks you out of nowhere if, by the way, do you have a fake name?? WTF. Odd. It hasn't been addressed again, and that was several chapters ago, so nothing's come of it so far but that leads me to more questions. Sophie and Sonny both have Helen's real cell number. I sure hope her answer message doesn't say, "hey, you've reached Helen's phone"......

Stay tuned!


  1. Weirdest first date ever. Is he a CIA operative trying find Russian spies?

    What was the next question:
    "Do you hide documents in book safes?"
    "Do you wear a trench coat?"
    "Do you know secret codes?"

    Anybody who answered one of these questions with a yes would be the worst spy ever.

  2. ha! thanks for following my blog. your the best there ever was.
